Click here to see all DVDs available for your viewing pleasure. The Chi DVDEnergy Therapy for the 21st Century: Rejuvenating The Entire You |
The Original Chi Machine has been very helpful with sleeping disorders and lower back pain issues because of the gentle and relaxing movement. It is best to use the Chi Machine just before bed time for sleeping disorders. The Doctors show demonstrates the Original Chi Machine and also has a lady share how it has helped with her Fibromyalgia pain.
The Hothouse which now has been renamed the Ceramic Heater is extremely beneficial for pain, swelling, inflammation, allergies, and sinus issues. The longer a person uses the Ceramic Heater the better. One to three hours sessions are very beneficial and with severe conditions more time is better, just remember to drink 1-2 glasses of water per hour of use with the Ceramic Heater. The far infrared rays coming from Ceramic Heater will penetrate deep into the tissues of the body to help them recover from current and old injuries.
All of our four main machines, Chi Machine, Hothouse-Ceramic Heater, Electro Reflex Energizer, E-Power have shown to be very beneficial to most health challenges people face today. Over the last 22 years of helping people with their own personal problems we have received testimonies from people on every different health problem you can imagine. We have actually put them in alphabetical order in the form of multiple books so people can look up a specific health problem and read a testimony from one or more of our customers regarding that particular problem. Our testimonies start off with asthma, allergies, arthritis and go all the way to stress, wounds, weight loss, and viral infections. I personally own all of the machines and I personally have experienced many benefits from them.