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The Original Sun Ancon Chi Machine

The Sun Ancon Chi Machine offers you a full body massage, including internal organs and all body systems. A 15 minute massage is estimated to be the equivalent of walking ten thousand paces (about 90 minutes), in terms of body oxygenation. If used with proven relaxation techniques, there's no limit to the potential scope of healing and fitness enhancement for the body and mind.

Why everyone of all ages and fitness levels needs the 'Sun Ancon' Benefits:
Daily, people consume a chemical cocktail from chemical residues in farm products, processed foods, water supplies and air breathed. Such health detriment is compounded by poor improper diet and breathing habit, work or study stress and sedentary life styles.

The massager will help eliminate body toxins and provide essential benefits of sporting and fitness programs without putting stress on the body such as vertebrae joints, heart and lungs and without depleting body energy levels or causing injury.

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